of Yaps and Cheng

loving living

狗不理包子: “狗子卖包子,不理人”

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Had dinner on Saturday at one of the best restaurant for 狗不理包子, Tianjin’s most renown dish, made famous by the praises of Dowager Cixi. The brief history of the bun was that it was so delicious that the chef, nicknamed 狗子, was so busy making and serving that he didn’t have time to chat with his friends and customers. Thus the delicacy’s name. For a full history in Chinese, visit http://baike.baidu.com/view/4775.htm

I don’t normally take buns with meat fillings unless it is 小笼包 (yes yes I am still a picky eater). Was quite apprehensive when I first tried the 狗不理包子, but to my pleasant surprise, it is a larger and flatter version of the 小笼包 without as much broth but equally tasty. And this bun became the highlight for Jingheng, a number one 包 fan, who polished off 3 whole buns all by himself.

What an enjoyment: Good food, great music and a pretty singer who looks like Zhu Yin!

Because the hubby and boss were hosting guests, we invited the performers. Because the group only perform in the restaurant for its customers, I didn’t have high expectations, but oh boy, the singer was wonderful. She does the 民族曲 with ease and natural clarity, which I wish I could too.

Teresa Teng’s 月亮代表我的心


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